Case Study: Sepsis
This case study: Sepsis discusses A mother who brings her 12-year-old son in for evaluation to the emergency department. Over the past 24 hours he
This case study: Sepsis discusses A mother who brings her 12-year-old son in for evaluation to the emergency department. Over the past 24 hours he
In this case study: Group A Strep, a nine-month male infant came to the ER his mother complaining of high-grade fever with vomiting and hypoactivity
In Case Study: Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome a 7-year-old boy presented to the emergency department with concerns of bloody diarrhea. His mother states he was at
In this case study on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, an eight year old female presents to her Primary Care Provider (PCP) with a two day history
This case study: Inborn Errors of Metabolism discusses A very big healthy term infant boy was born at home weighing 10 #8 oz. This was
In this Case Study: Iron Deficiency Anemia, A 10 month old baby girl presented to the emergency department with parents stating that she
A baby arrives at Metro Hospital, the infant is approximately 4 months old. He is accompanied by his mother and grandmother….
Baby Girl Smith is a 38-week newborn who was born to a primigravida mother via C-Section for failure of mother’s labor to progress….
This case study discusses whether or not the patient is a candidate for procedural sedation. John is a 16-year-old who presents for MRI of….
A very big healthy term infant boy was born at home weighing 10 lbs. 8 oz. This was the second baby for his mother. The
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